Walk Talks With Matt McMillen
Take a walk with Matt McMillen as he talks about your freedom in Christ.
Podcasting since 2022 • 279 episodes
Walk Talks With Matt McMillen
Latest Episodes
Judgment Day, Rewards in Heaven, and Crowns Explained (2-2-25)
Topics: Judgment Day, Rewards in Heaven, Crowns in Scripture, Hebrews 9:27, Christ in You (Colossians 1:26-27), Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Parable of the Vineyard Workers (Matthew 20:1-16), Judgment Based on Jesus’ Work, John 5:...
Episode 283
Can You Walk Away From Being a Christian? (1-26-25)
Topics: Walk Away From Being Christian, Born Again Meaning (John 3:7), Permanency of Spiritual Rebirth, John 3, Jesus’ Conversation with Nicodemus, Flesh vs. Spirit Birth, Finality of Being Born Again, Belief Grants Spiritual Birth, Grace vs. W...
Episode 282
Are Christians Required to Follow the Commandments in the Law? (1-19-25)
Topics: 613 commandments in the Law, Significance of 10 Commandments, Indivisibility of the Law, Role of Holy Spirit Before the Law, Historical Context of Jews and the Law, Formation of 12 Tribes of Israel, Covenant Between God and Israel, Rati...
Episode 281
Did James Teach Christians to Follow the Law? (1-12-25)
Topics: James Teaching Law Observance, James' Role in Early Church, James' Actions in Acts 15, Grace vs. Law in Early Christianity, Peter’s rebuke of Law Following in Acts 15, Division between James' Group and Grace Group, Requirements for Gent...
Episode 280
Top 5 Scariest Bible Verses (1-5-25)
Topics: Scariest Bible Verses, Bible Verses Taught Out of Context, Understanding Hebrews 10:26-27, Animal Sacrifices Vs. Jesus’ Sacrifice, Hebrews and Unbelieving Jews, The Book of Life in Revelation 3:5, Jesus Never Blotting Out Names, Christi...
Episode 279